Something on your site is generating sturctured data records for an item, but does that incorrectly. The generated structured data is invalid and Google is telling you so.
You'll need to figure what is creating this structured data record and fix the problem.
Structured data is generated either:
- by you, using Joomla built-in schema.org structured data system, and you made a mistake while configuring it for the page in question
- by a 3rd-party extension, in which case you should talk the extension provider
Something on your site is generating sturctured data records for an item, but does that incorrectly. The generated structured data is invalid and Google is telling you so.
You'll need to figure what is creating this structured data record and fix the problem.
Structured data is generated either:
- by you, using Joomla built-in schema.org structured data system, and you made a mistake while configuring it for the page in question
- by a 3rd-party extension, in which case you should talk the extension provider
Statistics: Posted by shumisha — Sat Nov 16, 2024 12:04 pm